My Crazy, Happy Life

Saturday, June 14, 2014
Life is crazy. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys. In my circle, it seems to get crazier the older I get. Recently I had a few big life events happen.

One: I got married (the wedding was amazing--and I promise when the photographer's pictures arrive I'll post a few more on my instagram). Aaaaaand for our mini-moon, we visited a glass treehouse in Bodega Bay (Northern California). It was absolutely beautiful. I want to go back one day and just write!

Two: My first round of edits of a certain book. They were extensive and tricky, but I got through them with what (I think) were my smartest choices yet. Hopefully. But we'll see when my editor gets a hold of them.

And three (since apparently I'm still doing this counting thing): I'm working on a new project. Okay, it isn't necessarily NEW new, but it is one of the older projects on my list of projects I wanted to tackle this year. I'm rewriting it from chapter one all the way through. So, I'm stoked (yes, I'm from California, occasionally we do say things like stoked). And busy. But aren't we all?

Speaking of busy, what have you guys been up to? What are you doing (either in real life or writing life) that you're stoked about? ;)

Looking forward to 2014

Friday, January 10, 2014
After a pretty difficult 2012, I have to say 2013 might have been my favorite year yet. Why, you ask? Well, because of all I got to do. I wrote two books, got engaged, went on a small book tour (which included signing at BEA!), attended my first writer's conference, visited somewhere I'd never been before, and met some truly incredible people.

How does one top a year of all that awesome?

Answer: you can try.

And that's my main goal for 2014. To try.

*cue Yoda: Do or do not, there is no try*

Okay, while Yoda may feel that way, I'm a big fan of trying. I say, if you're not sure you can do something, just go for it. If you fail, at least you tried--and probably learned something in the process. And if you succeed, then WOOHOO! Am I right? You never know what you're really capable of unless you throw yourself off that high, scary ledge and jump. And this year, I'm prepared to reach for the stars.

While I haven't had time to actually sit down and make a yearly plan/goal thingie, I do know of a few things I would love to accomplish.

To keep myself accountable, I'll list them here for everyone to see (please, feel free to hound me about these anytime this year).

My 2014 To-Do List

  • Revise a secret book (which I'm working on right now--about 1/3 of the way done)
  • Finish writing "Code name W", a super cool YA sci-fi I've been playing with for a while now.
  • Edit AB (a YA Contemporary Fantasy that needs the beginning rewritten then a very light edit) 
  • Edit "Code name W" (you guys, I'm so excited about this book!)
  • Write that YA Contemporary (standalone) that's been floating around in my head.
  • Edit GD (a book I need to add a little something to before I decide what to do with it)
  • Read (a ton)!
So there they are. The things I will try to do this year. For the most part this is the order I intend to work on them in. I think. But who knows once the muse gets a hold of them.

Obviously I'll be working on other things besides these. Wedding planning, edits, more wedding planning, blogging with the lovely people at both Indie Ignites and Darkly Delicious YA, some more life stuff I'm sure will creep in there somewhere (like actually getting married), copy edits, and line edits.


All in all it's going to be a busy year and I'm looking forward to trying some great new things, tackling some challenging projects, and maybe even visiting somewhere new again.

Now, I've gone on and on about my goals for 2014. I'd love to hear some of yours.