
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
So the other day I finished a round of edits on on Graceful Death (one of my more recent works in progress). And man does it feel good. No matter how many times you type "The End" or finish up a round of edits, nothing beats the rush it gifts. Writers, you know what I'm talking about. I would imagine it's like graduating with honors or having kids. While my edits are far from done, even one round on them makes the manuscript a hundred times better.

Plus, working on something else while you're out on submission really takes the edge off waiting for your email to ping. Am I right?

Anyway, I was wondering what else you guys might compare finishing edits or a first draft to. Learning to ride a bike? Scoring the last goal/point of a game? Crossing every thing off your huge To Do list? And does it matter whether or not it's a short story of 10-20k or an entire novel of 60-120k? Are the levels of different for every book or story written? What about comparing the completion of a first novel to, say, a fifth one?


  1. That's exciting that you finished another round of edits. You're right; it is a WONDERFUl feeling. To me it feels like I just ran a marathon. A marathon where it is 110 degrees out, I'm dehydrated, and out of shape, but still manage to cross the line! ;)

  1. Lisa B. said...:

    Thanks so much! A marathon? Definitely. Love that description. You're fatigued afterward, but you did it!

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